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Need Traffic? Yes!

Let's Make YouTube Do the Heavy Lifting and Build You a Profitable Online Business.

Lucky Number 13 ... Discount

Secure Your Spot Today!

With YouTube and my proven tactics, you’ll not only get traffic — you'll start making money and building your list today. Let’s make it happen!

Tired of the online hustle with nothing to show for it?

YouTube isn't just for cat videos and vlogs!

Nope, it's a goldmine for savvy affiliates looking to cash in.

The question is ... are you ready to grab your pickaxe?

YouTube: The Traffic Titan That's Ready to Work for You

This isn't about hoping for viral hits ... it's about strategic moves for real bucks.

I'm part of the top 4% who've figured out how to get more money out vs what goes into it YouTube as a traffic source...

And now ... it's your turn. 

The Smart Affiliate's Playbook:

- Craft Videos That Sell: We'll create content that doesn't just entertain — it sells. With the right offers and a strategic approach, your affiliate links will be clicked by viewers who are eager to buy. 

- Decode YouTube for Dollars: I'll guide you through the jungle of YouTube algorithms and analytics. Together, we’ll spotlight your videos to an audience that’s got their cards out and ready.

- Build Your List, Boost Your Business: Every new viewer is a potential gold mine. I'll show you how to transform casual viewers into loyal list subscribers.

YouTube Finds Them, You Keep Them

That's right. We use YouTube to snag their attention, then we funnel them onto your list.

From there, you've got a direct line to their inbox, their interest, and their wallets.

Stand Among the Top 4%: The Unmistakable Impact of Strategic YouTube Growth

Let's talk facts, and dive into reality.

YouTube is a universe of opportunity with over 2 billion active seekers each month.

It's ripe for the taking, and yet, only a select few ever taste real success.

Consider these truths:

  • Out of the 100 million-plus channels, a slim 4% are really making it work—profitably.

  • A whopping 90% of channels languish with fewer than 10,000 subscribers, never reaching a wider audience.

  • Fewer than 10% of all channels make money through YouTube’s Partner Program, leaving many struggling to earn.

  • And over 88% of videos can't even muster 1,000 views.

  • But here's where it gets exciting for you...

    I'm in that rare 4%, having built two monetized channels with numerous videos that have broken the 1,000-view ceiling.

    This isn't about just being a 'YouTuber' ... it's about being a marketer, an entrepreneur, a business owner who uses YouTube as a powerful traffic source to build an email list and thrive as an affiliate marketer.

    These statistics aren't just numbers...

    They're a testament to what's possible when you approach YouTube with the mindset of a marketer.

    They're proof of the success you can achieve with the strategies I'll share with you!

    Here's What I've Got for You...

    This exclusive course unveils my 9-step Affiliating Accelerator process, rooted in the powerful T.O.P. Strategy, the cornerstone of any thriving online business.

    Over 9 transformative days, delivered directly to your email inbox, you'll gain in-depth insights into each step, unlocking the secrets of using YouTube as a dynamic traffic source for your affiliate offers, and building a robust email list.

    Here's What It'll Do for You...

    Imagine having a clear, proven path to success, where every aspect of affiliate marketing and audience engagement becomes second nature.

    By joining this course, you'll be able to...

    Learn at Your Own Pace: Access lessons in a secure membership area, complete with discussion and chat support.

    Here' How It Helps:

    1. Flexibility and Convenience: This feature allows you to access the course materials at any time that suits your schedule, providing the flexibility to learn at your own pace.

    Whether you're an early bird or a night owl, the course is always accessible, ensuring that your learning journey fits seamlessly into your lifestyle.

    2. Interactive Learning Environment: The inclusion of discussion and chat support in the secure membership area creates an interactive learning environment.

    This allows for real-time engagement with the course material, enabling you to ask questions, seek clarifications, and deepen your understanding through active participation and immediate feedback.

    Receive Personalized Support: Benefit from 30 days of dedicated email support after the course, ensuring you're never left with unanswered questions.

    Here's How It Works:

    1. Daily Step-by-Step Guidance: For 9 consecutive days, you'll receive an email focusing on each crucial step of the course.

    Each email comes with a detailed video that breaks down the concepts, strategies, and actions you need to take.

    This structured approach ensures you're not overwhelmed and can focus on one key aspect at a time.

    2. Simple Query Process: If you have questions or need clarification on anything in the course, the process is straightforward.

    Simply reply to the email containing the step you're working on.

    There's no need for complicated forms or navigating through multiple pages – just hit 'reply'.

    3. Prompt Response: I understand the importance of timely support in your learning journey.

    That's why my commitment is to respond to your queries within 24 hours.

    This quick turnaround ensures you can maintain your momentum and progress without unnecessary delays.

    4. Personalized Attention: Every response you receive will be tailored to your specific question or challenge.

    This personalized approach means you're not just getting generic advice but practical, applicable solutions and insights relevant to your unique situation.

    5. Continued Support Post-Course: Even after the 9-day course ends, you're not left on your own.

    You'll have an additional 30 days of email support to ensure you're fully confident and competent in applying what you've learned to your business.

    Connect with Peers: Gain exclusive access to the Affiliating Facebook group for ongoing community support and networking.

    Here's How It'll Help You Win:

    1. Community Support: Being a part of the Affiliating Facebook group connects you with a community of like-minded individuals.

    This peer support is invaluable for motivation, sharing experiences, and learning from others who are on the same journey.

    It's a space where you can find encouragement and advice, making your learning process more engaging and less isolating.

    2. Networking Opportunities: The group offers excellent networking opportunities, allowing you to connect with others in the field, potentially leading to collaborations, partnerships, or even new business ventures.

    This can be particularly beneficial for expanding your professional network and uncovering new avenues for growth and success in your affiliate marketing endeavors.

    Make Your Online Business a Money Magnet

    With YouTube and my proven tactics, you’ll not only get traffic — you'll start making money and building your list today.

    Let’s make it happen!

    -- Garry Lynn Baker


    Here's the Deal Breaker That Could Change Your Online Game

    I know this all sounds pretty promising, and you might be wondering, "What's next?"

    Here's the deal:

    Worried about fitting this into your hectic life?

    Don't be.

    This is self-paced, which allows you to find a time that works perfectly...

    This isn’t about adding more to your plate ... it’s about steering you in the right direction, efficiently and effectively.

    Imagine, in just a few sessions, you'll be on your way to laying the foundations for your own YouTube channel to be a customer magnet, driving traffic for your online business like never before.

    Let's make this the turning point for your own online business...

    I'm ready if you are!

    Watch This Video to Understand Exactly What I'm Offering

    *Note: The video presented is part of a previously conducted group coaching session, which is now closed. This special offer is exclusively for an email-based support program where we will work together through detailed, daily email interactions based on the structured course content.

    The Affiliating Accelerator - Email Edition, is your step-by-step guide to transforming YouTube traffic into a lucrative affiliate marketing empire.

    The easy-to-follow email course empowers you to build a robust email list, harness the potential of YouTube, and boost your affiliate sales.

    Benefit from insider strategies, real-life case studies, and proven techniques.

    Join now and start your journey to affiliate marketing success.

    But act fast – this exclusive email course starts soon...

    Elevate your affiliate marketing game today!



    • What is Affiliating Accelerator - Email Edition? It teaches strategies to utilize YouTube for affiliate marketing and how to effectively build an email list to enhance marketing efforts.

    • How is the course content delivered? The course is structured as an email series, providing lessons directly to your inbox for convenience and ease of access, with videos inside a secure members area.

    • Who should enroll in this course? The course is ideal for individuals looking to explore or enhance their skills in affiliate marketing, particularly through YouTube.

    • Is prior experience in affiliate marketing necessary to take this course? No, the course is designed to be accessible to both beginners and those with some experience in affiliate marketing.

    • What key skills will I gain from this course You'll learn how to leverage YouTube as a traffic source, strategies for effective affiliate marketing, and techniques for building a strong email list.

    • What is the duration of the course? The course is self-paced, allowing you to learn at your own comfort.

    • Is there support available for course participants? Yes, participants have access to support for any queries or clarifications needed during the course.

    • Can I access the course materials on my phone or tablet? Yes, the course is designed to be accessible on multiple devices including mobile phones and tablets. But a desktop or laptop with dual monitors is best.

    • What is the refund policy for this course? My 7 day "diddly-squat" refund promise. If after 7 days of working thru the training and you feel you haven't learned anything I'll refund your money.

    • How does this course differ from other affiliate marketing courses? It specifically focuses on integrating YouTube with email marketing strategies, a niche yet effective approach in the affiliate marketing realm.

    • Do I need to have an active YouTube channel to benefit from this course? While having a YouTube channel is okay, the course also provides insights on starting and growing one from scratch.

    • Are there any additional costs after enrolling in the course? There are no up-sells or addiontail costs for the training, everything you need to know will be taught, plus 30 days of addiontail email support after the 1st 9 days of the course material is delivered.

    • How quickly can I expect to see results after starting the course? Results can vary based on individual implementation and market dynamics, but the course aims to provide actionable strategies for quick application. But results are not guaranteed, just that you will get all the information required to build the foundations for a profitable online business.

    • Is there an affiliate program for this course that I can join? Yes, there is an affiliate program available. Details on how to join and the benefits it offers are provided on request.

    • Will I receive a certificate upon completing the course? There is no certificate. But you will have something better you will have verified proof of authority in your own YouTube channel.

    • Are there any specific software or tools required for this course? The course outlines the basic tools and software needed, which are generally accessible and user-friendly. You will need at a minimum a modern computer, screen recording software, and a microphone.

    • Is the course content updated to reflect current marketing trends? Yes, the course includes contemporary strategies and is updated to keep up with the evolving landscape of affiliate marketing.

    • How much time should I commit to the course each week? The course is flexible, but a regular weekly commitment is recommended for optimal learning and application.

    • Does the course include live sessions or interactive webinars? The live and interactive sessions will come inside the Facebook group for the core Affiliating training. All course questions will be answered via email or chat.

    • How do I enroll in the Affiliating Accelerator - Email Edition course? Enrollment is done directly through this sales page, click the green button on this page to be taken to checkout.


    Fixintoo Media, LLC

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